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  • Parents
  • Staff
Motivate, Develop, Inspire
Motivate, Develop, Inspire


Quotes from Employer Visits

John Hurley – Birmingham Hospice 18/09/2024

I was extremely impressed by the level of care and compassion demonstrated by staff towards the students. It is very clear that Victoria College is a place where people feel safe, and I found it to be a lovely learning environment. Staff were also very proactive in ensuring that I was supported throughout my visit. I hope to work with the college again in the future.

Guest Speakers DWP 23/10/2024

‘Thank you so much for allowing us to visit Victoria College today.  It was very worthwhile, and the students and staff were great.’

‘It was great to meet all the staff and students again today. I look forward to coming back to revisit and provide further support and advice to your students and their families’

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