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Study Programme
We offer a varied programme that gives the learner a core curriculum with additional sessions to meet their personalised needs.
The study programme runs for five days a week, offering a variety of sessions, where not only personalised learning takes place, but the young person will have their health and physical needs met too.
We carry out baseline assessments with the students to identify their starting points and preferred pathway. Once this has been identified, they will be taught in appropriate groups for different areas of the curriculum.
The students are assessed on their personal targets in the areas identified in their EHCP and Preparing for Adulthood outcomes, under the headings of: Employment, Independent Living Skills, Community Inclusion and Health. Communication and Cognition are at the forefront of all we do.
Staff plan for the students learning and then assess the students and identify their progress along their journey through college life. This is recorded on a digital platform, using video evidence and witness statements for accuracy.
British Values
Fundamental British values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain, valuing our community and celebrating diversity. We promote democracy, the rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance for everyone and individual liberty through the curriculum, including communitity inclusion, employment enrichment opportunities and learner voice.
This creates a college where students feel safe, valued and listened to, preparing them for life outside of college now and in the future.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Victoria College provides an environment that respects the rights and dignity of everyone. We promote a culture of inclusion where individual differences are valued and protected. We ensure the environment and the curriculum meets the needs of individual charactersitics within the Equality Act 2010.