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Motivate, Develop, Inspire
Motivate, Develop, Inspire

Communication and Cognition

Communication is at the centre of all our learning.

We use a Total Communication approach encompassing Intensive Interaction, Makaton signing, symbols, on body signing, objects of reference, body language and facial expressions, spoken language, as well as Alternative and Augmentative Communication devices tailored for specific students. Staff receive training in these from our Speech and Language therapist and other specialists. Students are assessed and the preferred communication style is used with them. This is never limited to one style and adapted as the needs of a student changes.

Our sensory learning programme is based around the five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. We also consider the vestibular sense (movement and balance) and the proprioception sense (body position and awareness in space and time).

We feel the key to learning is to engage our students in meaningful activities, delivered at the correct level for their individual, communication and cognitive developmental stage.

Cognition and Communication is delivered throughout the curriculum to all students. Bespoke sessions that cover these skills at specific levels may include specialist Visual impairment teaching, music therapy, one to one communication sessions or small group functional skills at the appropriate level.

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